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Al B

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Member Information

  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Camera R6 and 5DMKIV, Canon RF24-70mm, AF 70-200mm and AF 24mm T&S

Al B's Achievements

  1. Which is the best option(s) or software recommendations to enable larger prints from smaller resolution files please? Is it best to do this at the RAW stage or converted jpeg.
  2. Thank Damien, you have answered my original question and will now make time to increase my understanding of colour space etc.
  3. Hi Damien, I have been using LR for a while and although I am open to doing the 30 day Bridge challenge, please can you tell me what are the worst aspects of Lightroom that make Bridge better please (apart from workflow) . Also what is the benefit of using soft proofing in LR. if that's not a silly question! Cheers.
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