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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon Z6, Nikon 16-35 f4, Nikon 24-70 F2.8, Nikon 70-200 f2.8, Nikon 200-500 f5.6, Nikon 85 f1.8. Magic 2 Pro. Go Pro 10

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  1. I'm trying to delete files from the hard drive (ones that I don't need), but I can't delete them. Could you shed some light as to why? Thanks
  2. Yes I have them disconnected, unless I want to transfer some files from them, onto my Mac. Funny thing is, there wasn't an issue when I first started using them together. I found this on Adobe's site: https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge-discussions/latest-bridge-13-03-693-misbehaving-on-mac-ventura/td-p/13714271 I applied the recommendations. Seems to have improved it slightly. Let's see if anything changes.
  3. That looks quite attractive. I definitely need a more space, and something for back up. Perhaps using my old drives for this purpose, after changing the partition types, would be my best practice. Going back to my initial problem with Bridge, and I’ve actually realised that it’s still under performing. Scrolling through multiple previews at the same time is laggy (essentials window (see image), however, hitting space bar and using the arrow keys to scroll is still pretty responsive.
  4. Cheers Brian, there is a lot for me to digest here. I'll go away and consider your points carefully. In the meantime, I think buying a new EHD so I can reformat my current ones, is the best option. If I'm to spend a decent amount of money on a data back up system, then I'd like to be confident I've spend my money wisely and future proofed the investment. Thanks 🙂
  5. I'm editing from my internal hard drive, but usually have the NTFSs mounted. I dismounted the drives this morning, and Bridge is more responsive. I'll keep my eye on it to see if there are any drastic changes, while editing without the externals mounted, otherwise this could be the answer. I bought the Mac with 1TB of storage, so that I could hold and edit current projects from the internal drive; storing them on externals, after I have wrapped everything up. My plan is to hold 20 jobs, with an average data size of 4-5GB, which will leave plenty of space for the system to do its thing. Providing I don't had any unnecessary apps etc to the internal HD Thanks Brian.
  6. Ok. Understood. Thank you for the explanation. I've actually been thinking about upgrading to better data management, like a NASA system. I'm totally clueless when it comes to names, specs, and brands. Could you recommend a system that would work well for me, based on me shooting approximately 2700 images per week (all to be deleted at the end of each month), and the fact that I already have 12 TBs of data (which won't be deleted), that needs transferring, which is already on my current external and internal hard drives, combined.
  7. Hello everyone, I bought a new Mac recently (see screen shots below for specs), and since I started using it I can not write (save) the xmp files to my external hard drives, when editing in ACR and Photoshop. The drives are read only, even though "Sharing & Permissions" is set to read and write. I used them just fine on my older Mac Book Pro Mid 2014. They are formatted to NTFS, which seems silly to me now. Can I save myself, from having to reformat them? How did they work on my older Mac, even though formatted to NTFS, but they won't work on my new Mac? Thanks for the help, Anton.
  8. Hello, I'm looking for some insight into why my new Mac system, that I bought in March, and Bridge are not performing as well as they where, when I first starting using them together about 6 weeks or so ago. Scrolling through previews is sluggish. Results from "Details about your computer health". I have a Mac desktop running Ventura 13.2.1 and Photoshop 24.4.1. It is under 6 months old, and has 32GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 533GB free out of 1000GB. The last time I shut down was earlier today. I have never run a cleanup program. Specs: Storage: Many thanks, Anton.
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