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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
    Photoshop Elements
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5D Mk 4
    Canon 70 - 200mm F2.8L

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  1. Damien Thanks agian for you help with my query. I enjoy the challenge of recreating PS effects etc in PSE using various workarounds etc. I have this afternoon had a go, using your Action and extra description, at recreating an example of the Harris Shutter effect in PSE. Credit for this example goes to Michael Brig on YouTube as shown below. I tried to embed just the link but failed. Michael used PS and created the three different colour channels using PS's `Blending Options' turning off the two unrequired channels per all three images used. I did the following for my attempt:- 1. I open each image of the model separately in PSE and ra your Action to create the three Colour Layers/Channels 2. I followed you recent extra instructions and applied the Levels adjustment. 3. I did this three times, once foe each model image each time rejecting two channels before saving a R, G and Blue Channel ending up with a different colour channel image for the three models; 4. I bought these three images, each a different channel' into PSE and followed Michael's method, making a selection of each model and Masking it. I used my three separate coloured channels in lieu of the PS `Blending Options' section of Michale's method; 5. I have uploaded screen shots of my result and layer Stack here. My result is not too shabby but is different from Michael Brig's and other's versions. My colours are intense others are more muted. Where different colour channels overlap the effect I see is not as pronounced as that in Michael's but there is a noticable effect, just. I had to change the colour of the background Layer from White to Black because applying a `Screen' blend mode to any of the coloured Layer/Channels renders them invisible. I applied the Blend Modes to my three Model colour Layers /Channels from the top down as Screen, Screen, Normal. Unless I am doing something wrong I am thinking that this particular effect is almost possible to replicate in PSE but not quite but is non the less pleasing. With some further experimentation with Blend Modes, Layer Opacity and Background colour etc it may be possible to improve it. Damien thanks once more for your Action and help with this mini project, it is much appreciated. I attach some screen shots of my Layer Stack, my PSE end result and Michael Brig's PS version. Terry
  2. Damien - Thank you so much for these very clear instructions and taking the time to reply so quickly. I have been out all day so have not had a chance to try it yet but will do soon. I'll be sure to get back to your with the results. Thanks again.
  3. Hello Damien I have downloaded and installed your Action called `Viewing Channels in Photoshop Elements' onto my Sony Laptop running PSE v21, This action appears to run flawlessly and extracts the 3 colour channels from a selected RGB jpg image and displays them on separate Layers above the original Background image,. After running the Action my Layer Stack comprises: the original RGB jpg image on the Background Layer with three new layers above identified from the top down as `Red Channel', `Green Channel' and `Blue Channel'. All channel Layers are set to `Normal' therefore my resulting image is the top `Red Channel' as without changing Layer Mode I can't `see' beyond this layer, there is no Layer/Channel interaction. Each `Channel' Layer appears to be a grayscale image but is listed in PSE's Image > Mode as RGB. I am trying to use these three `channels' to create the Harris Shutter effect by moving each of the three layers slightly so they overlap each other in a different way from the original, i.e. I move the top channel (Red) to the left a bit and the bottom channel (Green) a little to the right and was hoping that I would obtain various `random' colours where the images overlap and retatin and see their RG or B colour where they don't overlap but I dont get this behaviour. As I move one channel/layer it just reveals the next lower Layer in the stack. I was hoping you, or another subscriber, might have some suggestions as to what I am doing wrong and what I might need to do to obtain the Harris Effect effect I am after. Perhaps something along the lines of changing channel Blend Modes, adding a plain background etc. All and any suggestions are welcome and thanks in anticipation. Rockintes
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