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Everything posted by Thuie

  1. Hi Brian, Happy New Year! I've read through many posts and comments and I am finally able to buy a laptop right now with my budget of ($3.5k) I narrowed it down to these two. I'm leaning towards the ASUS purely because its a bigger screen. Both laptops looks like it ticks all the boxes. What are your thoughts? If both are not worth the $, happy for your recommendation. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1745684-REG/lenovo_82wq002tus_16_legion_pro_7.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1762238-REG/asus_g733pz_xs96_17_3_republic_of_gamers.html Thank you kindly, Thu
  2. Hi everyone, I'm needing a new laptop soon and was wondering should i buy it now OR wait for any known sales? Unsure if laptops etc go down in price for Black Friday, Boxing day sales. Any insight is grateful. Thank you!
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