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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Panasonic G9 plus a variety of lenses

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  1. I haven’t had the link to join the levels class yet though.
  2. I have applied to do the levels class. I am trying to get away from automated editing, by that I mean using other people’s action sets, topaz and all the AI stuff that companies are pushing now and attempting to edit for myself so I know what I’m doing to the image. Also I’m hoping it will not fill up my scratch discs as quickly. It’s so difficult to wean myself away from one click fixes that I have used for years, but I’m hoping sheer determination and your classes will help me achieve it.
  3. Hi Damien i have used your B&W action and it looks good however the black trousers have lost detail so I have used a levels layer to bring the detail back and now it looks dull. What am I doing wrong.?
  4. It was the rectangular selection tool. I will go and take another look and check it all again. Sorry
  5. I’ve managed to do it now. I had to download it about 3 times because on the first two when I double clicked it said I didn’t have anything to open it with. Then it went to an .au file then eventually it worked. I have used it and tested it. Thank you
  6. Hi Damien I have downloaded the action but my Mac says there are no programs to open it with? Any advice? Thanks
  7. Found it "cropping in the workflow" does this help at all? Do you remember this one? Thanks
  8. You were demonstrating how wrong it is to crop photos because you lose information and had a photo of a child (I think yours) where you said if you just want to have the subject as the main part of your image don’t just use the crop tool. Instead use the selection tool. I will try and find it again. However you didn’t say what to do after making the selection.
  9. Hi Damien I saw recently that you mentioned about using the part of an image that you want and getting rid of the area around the subject for example. I know you mentioned the pixel count and to make sure that it is big enough to use as a useable photo. However once you have made the selection using the rectangular selection tool what do you do with the selected area? Im sorry if this is such a basic question but it saves me cropping photos I imagine?
  10. I looked at this because I too have issues with backdrops sometimes and your mailbigfile result is awesome. Do you have a tutorial just on gradients, I have tried to follow your instructions previously but cannot for the life of me get it right. Thanks
  11. Hi Damien as I haven’t been using LR at all since doing this challenge last year can I now remove all LR backups from my system? I’m assuming these are merely copies of the files held on my drives?? Correct me if I’m wrong.
  12. I thought it matched the brothers one better
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