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Everything posted by Juliehardingphotography

  1. recalibrated at 90 luminance and monitor was too bright, so re-ran at 80 luminance. my brightness adjustment would go from 86 down to 57. so i picked 57. 4 out of the 5 prints match pretty well. I will check again tomorrow in my normal daytime editing settings to confirm. BUT - if prints match from this lab is it safe to assume all pictures will match going forward?
  2. ok- remind me... calibrate in the dark? so monitor is the only light in room? or should i calibrate in the environment I will be editing- which is daytime light bulbs with big window in the room that has wood blinds.
  3. ok- I am back. I ordered test prints from a diff lab (ACI) as I wanted to try a diff lab other than ProDPI. anyway- the test prints are darker than my monitor (more so for the pictures taken indoors vs outside in open shade). So do i recalibrate and fine tune the numbers until I get my monitor to match prints? also- on the test prints they sent me - they stated they would adjust the density to make the picture lighter - but assuming for me not to do that, instead calibrate my monitor to match these prints and I will see that they are darker. Does that make sense?
  4. I don't still have the prints- sadly. I just ordered new ones so hopefully once i get those I can recalibrate and match monitor to prints. I'll be in touch.
  5. i am hoping that is the problem- when i last calibrated the prints and monitor matched good enough. but seems off now. should i try recalibrating and troubleshoot if need to? also- remind me- is it better when it comes to adjusting the brightness of the monitor to go darker or lighter if can't get it to be exact?
  6. I am calibrated using colormunki (D55 100 are the settings I have it at) and am having a hard time getting my prints to match my screen. The prints are overall darker, esp in the shadows and color is not as vibrant. I have a 27" Retina5k iMac. first set is from my comptuer next if picture of the print
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