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Posts posted by Diana

  1. I used to use PSE13, before I switched to PS CC. PSE had a drawing tool, where you could place a shape, whether filled or just an outline, onto your photo. I simply can not find such a tool in CC2018. How can I do this? I am trying to make a large rectangle outline on my image and then will place text within it, to simulate a magazine cover; which I want to use for marketing.

  2. 2 hours ago, Damien Symonds said:

    This is such a fraught issue.  It's so hard to be sure what happened.  It's perfectly possible that she'd somehow re-saved your files at lower resolution before she posted ... or attempted some cropping ... or even tried running an awful snapchat filter or some shit, and ruined it that way.  Did you actually get to see the photo she'd posted?

    No, I did not get to see what she was claiming. I just reminded her that she needed to download the Dropbox file to her home computer so that it would not get compressed/ruined. Then she could then upload it to a website from there. She never told me where it was going. I've looked at her Instagram account and FB and never saw it. She never answered me back after that. It was a TFP, as we call a "trade time for pictures". I was portfolio building & practicing some posing with her.

  3. When choosing to show portrait proofs online, or sharing a landscape on Facebook or Instagram, what px size & resolution do you choose?

    I've given models web-sized images before, and had 1 young woman complain that they looked grainy when she put it online. When I posted her photos, using the same exact web sized image, they were fine to my eyes.  I have been using an action that came in a set I bought before I found out about your wonderful classes. Her complaint made me wonder if I am doing it right. I want to make sure I am doing it right.

    I shoot with some extra space normally. So my workflow is a general loose crop to your 11x15.... still leaving room for cropping an image to clients requests. After finishing my PS edits I save my PSD and then make a web size jpeg for a proof or to share online if it's a landscape. My web sizing action sizes my 11x15 cropped images to: 600x818px @72 dpi, then it gives you an option for quality. I looked on your blog and saw that you recommend 800x587, but it does not list a resolution.

    I did see that you have a web resize action, but it looks as if you need to input the size. I do use a watermark. I just place it....easy peasey.

  4. I had to delete the images because the young lady is in the foster care system here in the states, and you can't post foster care kids pictures online unless you are a government agency. It has to do with the fact that she has no parent that can sign a release; to be able to use her image in my portfolio. That is why I had to darken her face. I did not even feel comfortable posting on here for help. I volunteer for an agency that helps gets the kids adopted. They need professional photos to advertise the kids that are up for adoption. I can link their website on mine, but I can't post the photos online myself. It's my way to give back.

  5. Yes, Damien I did. I did after you replied. Sorry I did not comment after I did it. It worked splendid. It took me a bit to figure out the red, on the pic above, how it blocks any liquify. They loved the composite I was able to do thanks to your help. Once I delivered the images, I deleted them off my computer as I am mandated to do. I did not think about posting the results. I had a couple ripples in my tie, where yours is smooth. It worked though.

    Are the regular brushes different from Elements to Photoshop CC? Or maybe it is my new laptop. I did not seem to be able to control the liquify as well as I used to be able to. The brush seems to be a bit "off". I had a good handle on it with my last computer, but either it changed with the laptop or with moving to CC. I have it set to soft with 0 hardness. It just seems that the overflow past the brush edge does not seem the same now....like less overflow. I know it has to do with the size of the brush, but I've messed with liquify a lot and it's not working the same. Any ideas on what change I made or missed setting up correctly?

  6. Ok... I never even thought of a levels layer. Cool! Thanks Damien! Would it be the same for all super dark eyes? I have another foster childn that I photographed, that has dark eyes. He is Hispanic with super chocolatey eyes.

    I can't wait to get back to the computer to try it.

  7. I fixed the profile issue in the origional photo of this and the other question I asked about making the hanging tie wave. They are both the same client. I only had minor clipping on the shirt, between her arm & her side. They are mostly going to use the images online. Where this issue came from, was switching to Photoshop CC from Elements 13, which is what I started taking your classes using. I also changed to a new laptop with the same external monitor that I had used for those classes. Could you maybe make a blog about what your settings need to be and where to find them. Also adding all the other tool tips, like the cross hairs in the brush, etc. It was heck setting up photoshop cc.

    Do you need a new image of her eye to show me how to lighten/brighten her iris?

  8. I fixed the profile issue in the origional photo of this and the other question I asked about lightening an iris. They are both the same client. I only had minor clipping in the front of the shirt and the grass of the background. They are mostly going to use the images online. Where this issue came from, was switching to Photoshop CC from Elements 13, which is what I started taking your classes using. I also changed to a new laptop with the same external monitor that I had used for those classes. Could you maybe make a blog about what your settings need to be and where to find them. Also adding all the other tool tips, like the cross hairs in the brush, etc. It was heck setting up photoshop cc.

    Do you need a new fixed image to explain how to do the ripple/wave on the tie?

  9. I can't post her photo to anywhere online. Since she is a foster child, her guardian is Hennepin County. I can't post her photos anywhere. As soon as I deliver them via Dropbox, I am required to delete any that are on my computer or memory card. They are solely for county use in getting her adopted. I did manage to get a 700x700 & colored over the rest of her face.


    DSC_6644 copy.jpg

  10. I have the 700px crop now. I had forgotten that to get it you don't use the crop tool, that you use the marquis tool. Here it is. Thanks Damien! PS...the notifications don't seem to be working. I just happened to look this morning to see that you had replied. I used to get email notifications. My email addy has not changed.

    flying Lonnae copy.jpg

  11. I have a fun composite that I am working on. I volunteer to take photos of kids in the foster care system that are waiting to be adopted. The young lady wore a tie with her button down shirt and put on a pair of butterfly wings at the studio I was using. Her case worker had her lay across the apple crates I had stacked, so that it looks like she is flying. I had an image of a field and composited her in, but my husband rightly pointed out that she does not look like she is flying across the field as her tie is hanging straight down. I looked at doing a 700x700 crop for you, while covering her face, but for some reason since I switched to Photoshop cc, I am having a hard time figuring out how to do that since it is not giving me a place to type PX for cropping by pixels. I could attach the whole photo, after covering up her face, if you need it. Thank you!

  12. I though I saw this in one of the classes I've taken from you before, but I did not take notes on it, nor do I see it now on your blog. I did a search on eyes, but lightening the iris did not come up. I have a child client who's eyes are such a dark brown that they almost look black unless you are close to her. I would like to lighten them just a smidge, not so the eyes are screaming "the eyes are edited, the eyes are edited"...lol... but so you can see the lovely chocolate color. I tried a separate layer, with a soft brush, but was not sure which mode to choose with a low opacity. I tried color dodge & lighten color and am not sure if either of those is right, exactly. Which is the best mode to use for your brush? Thanks Damien!

  13. Should I take the RAW class again if changing software from PSE to CC or do i just kind of ignore all the extra stuff that is in ACT? Or look that stuff up on YouTube? What I am mainly talking about is these 3 new tools that I did not have before:

    1. Tone Curve

    2. HSL/Gray scale

    3. Split toning

    Thanks Damien! I want you to know that anytime I see/hear people asking about classes or YouTube videos on learning PS....i sell your classes. They are fantastic & so are you & the others for answering all our dumb questions.

  14. I have been using PS Elements 13 on Expert mode & on the bottom bar where you can adjust the tool size, etc, has been an "un-do" & a "re-do" buttons. I would use the occasionally if i cloned too far, for example, it would back me up 1 step of brush movement. Now trying PSCC, I don't see those 2 buttons at all. I've looked by the tool adjustment bar on top & don't see them. I have it set to "Photography" mode. Is that whats wrong???


  15. Ok...this is probably not the correct way to do this... But in Elements 13; having that open already, I would go to the OPEN button on the top left & choose several RAW files from a particular session to work on during 1 time of editing, so that I could compare them to make sure they had the same look, etc. Can I open several at once & how do I do that?

    Sorry...a bit nervous trying CC. I know Elements works for me now, I would just like the expanded capabilities that full Photoshop offers.

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