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Lindsay Walden

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5DM4, 135mmL, 100mmL, 85mmL, 50mmL, 35mmL, 20mm, & fisheye

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  1. My apologies. Yes. I had to blur the areas on the wrap that were causing the problems. It wasn't the cleanest solution but I needed it resolved quickly.
  2. Yes. We've been going back and forth for weeks. The magenta only occurred in one album. It was showing up on images similar to this. You can kind of see on the line of focus where the image is sharpened that it looks a little odd. For some reason it was printing with a magenta hue. I was able to fix it by blurring that area. It also happened on the grey image on the wrap in the areas that are most in focus. But not on baby's skin. I had to blur the entire wrap to get it to go away. I've never had that issue before and have used this same blanket and wrap. I'm thinking it must be something to do with the album software.
  3. Yes. Same printer for these particular products. I had one of the same images also printed as a large print before I submitted the album and it printed just fine.
  4. Hi. I recently moved from creating albums for my clients in PS to using an album designer. The album designer requires that the images be loaded into the program as jpg. After the album is designed and the client approves it I then have the option of converting the album spreads to psd. From there I have been using my normal sharpening methods that I learned from you that have always worked great. The problem is that ever since I started using the album design software I have been having severe issues with banding and other bizarre printing problems such as magenta printing along the most in focus areas. The banding has been incredibly difficult to eliminate. My question is if I am degrading the quality of the images too much by converting the images to jpg then back to psd to sharpen before print. Could that be causing the issues?
  5. Do I need to do this on the SOOR image or am I safe to work on my already edited PSD?
  6. Here it is with shadow clipping completely removed SOOR.
  7. Oh goodness. I was looking for the clipping warnings which were not showing up. Yes. There is some room to take that down. It didn't appear to make a difference on the moire.
  8. Yes. There is no shadow clipping on the dress currently. Would working in 16 bit make a difference?
  9. I frequently have trouble with moire specifically when shooting in studio with this dress. What is the best method for either preventing it in the future or fixing it in post. Thank you!
  10. Due to the angle I photographed, the distortion of the 35mm lens and the way I posed baby, his feet and legs are looking disproportionately large to me. Lesson learned for next time. But for this image is there a way to realistically resize his limbs?
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