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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 600D, 50mm 1.8f, 85mm 1.8f
    AOC I2367F external monitor

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  1. Ok, thank you so much for all your help with this, beer donation coming your way!
  2. Very slightly but the red on screen is still a bit too saturated.
  3. Damien, I think I am there! But.... the reds on my screen seem just a bit too saturated. Does that mean I have not really managed to calibrate it properly yet?
  4. I've clearly spent too much time behind this monitor! Thank you!!!
  5. Yes, I saw this article but I dont have any profiles showing in the dropdown box. It only shows Custom and then Other which is greyed out?
  6. Yip, they are the Munki settings. I have spent 2 days now going through each available setting and re-calibrating to each with little success. I might just do a reset on it and give it another go tomorrow because I think I need a really strong coffee about now. Also, the lab have sent me their ICC profile to soft proof and I saved it under LibraryColorsyncProfiles as suggested but when I go to View / Proof Setup / Custom, their is no available list in the dropdown box - see pic. Have I missed something? PS and laptop have both been restarted too.
  7. Yeah, light is good, the same as I had with the old screen and that calibrated fine (until it died!)
  8. Hi D, I recently got a new screen (AOC I2367FH) and am having a hard time trying to get this right! After several attempts, I have the brightness acceptable (screen brightness is at 0 and used 90 luminance) but the color is off. Native was horrid, first pic is D65 and second is D55. My print is slightly more yellow and I cant get the screen to match. I have an Colormunki Display. Any suggestions? Much appreciated Here is the file
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