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Amy Claire

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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D750, Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8, Nikon 50mm f/1.8,

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  1. So Iv'e spent 4 hours trying to calibrate my husbands laptop with no success. No matter what setting I choose the screen wont match the prints. Is this likely an issue with my calibrator? To try and get my colours close to matching the white in the screen turns blue.
  2. My husband has another laptop but unfortunately this is the only monitor in the house. If I want to do a full re-calibration on my laptop how to I get back to the original colour settings of my screen. I can't just re-calibrate over this display profile can I?
  3. No Ive never managed to calibrate my laptop properly either, but I havent reied too much as I was focusing on the desktop screen.
  4. No I am using the screen plugged into my samsung laptop. I plan on upgrading the laptop as soon as I can afford it. In the meantime I brought the desktop screen.
  5. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to respond I have been unwell. I have an ASUS VX279H-W LCD Monitor. I'm about ready to throw it all in the bin I am so frustrated. No matter what i do i can't get it to match my prints.
  6. I cant get my screen to match my prints. I have honestly tried everything and multiple printing places. It is a new desktop screen. The problem I am having is i can get a close match with my colour prints but not my black and white. I need there to be a blue tinge to the black and whites but then I lose the white colour. My whites all turn blue or green. Not sure if this is making sense. I have the spyder5elite
  7. A white point of 7800K got rid of the green tinge but the images now don't have enough red in them. Any suggestions? Also when I recalibrate and only change the white point setting is it ok that I am calibrating over the last profile I just made instead of returning to factory settings?
  8. Yes sorry I just chose the wrong step on the analysis page. If the screen is green do I need to make the screen warmer or cooler?
  9. No I was going to Sypder Tune sorry I thought that was the one you said was good so I needed to upgrade to the Elite. If I re calibrate what do i change the white point to if the screen is too green?
  10. Sorry Ive been unwell, but yes even when I pull both sliders as far to the left (Blue and Purple) the screen still has a green tinge.
  11. No I can see physical chnages but cant match the prints. The green tinge wont seem to go away.
  12. I have purchased the elite software and have successfully calibrated my desktop however I am still wishing to also calibrate my laptop. My laptop is too green compared to my prints but even in spydetune I don't seem to be able to get the green to go away. Any suggestions? Thanks
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