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stacey fahringer

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Everything posted by stacey fahringer

  1. ok I added a little. Also, that sun spot on his knee.....would it help if that was gone or I am over thinking it?
  2. ok...for the record I suck at this part so be brutal so I can learn
  3. Really? I'm figuring some shadows need to be added.
  4. Hmmm looking now. I'll try it and post and see if it looks plausible.
  5. oh nooooo!!!! If you are at a loss Im screwed!! Makes me feel better that i have been staring at it all day and couldnt find a solution. Thanks!
  6. I don't have any of her in that pose...I do have some others. Some standing and some sitting.
  7. I have been working on this forever...nothing looks right....any hope making this little girls panties disappear ?
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