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Jamie Thompson-Roush

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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D700
    85mm 1.8

Jamie Thompson-Roush's Achievements

  1. So how exactly do I take a screen shot of my settings in ACR? I don't see anything on my keyboard that says that...sorry if this is a obviously stupid question...
  2. Got it thanks! I appreciate it! I seriously need to look into your raw class! I feel I've learned so much in PS but feel I'm still missing out on ACR...
  3. I was reading your noise reduction article and you mention the color and luminance sliders but what about the 2 sliders under those? so it's the detail & contrast under luminance, and detail & smoothness under color. do you have any helpful articles for getting started with those, what they do, what not to do, best way to use them? Also how do I know how much I should sharpen in ACR? Am I supposed to even sharpen in ACR? I've been "eye-balling" it up to now which has "worked" but I'd love to know the correct way to do things ?
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