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Everything posted by Valentina

  1. This is just something I wanted to try. If it is complicated or the results won't be ideal, I will just pass. In the attachment, I adjusted the levels on the original balls and soften their shadows applying a solid layer. Please tell me if it's decent edit. What is left, if I don't change the colors of the balls, is the hair on her face (next the her ear). Is there a tutorial you can direct me to?
  2. Pink, peach, yellow.. I was thinking a few colors (but not 2 colors for one single ball). My problem is that, If I want to keep the shape/volume, the applied colors don't look as solid as the original ones. They get a metallic feel.
  3. I need to change a few things about this picture. 1) I would like to make the ping pong balls of many different colors (1 single color each). I have tried adding a solid layer to one of them and then set the mode to overlay and others but the results were not nice. (Should I post this kind of questions in layers and mask/levels class or here?)
  4. It's a design magazine and I think they usually work with graphic designers and illustrators, instead of photographers. I will ask them. I just don't want to look too inexperienced.
  5. Thanks! I have just read both posts and I am using Photoshop. Should I just ask them to be more specific about the CMYK requirement or do you need a specific information? There is no text or added shapes in my pictures, do I still need to keep the adjustment layers as layers and don't sharpen the flattened image before saving the file as pdf?
  6. Dear Damien, I need to supply files in this format: Format: DIN A3, 297mm x 420mm (portrait orientation) Resolution 300 dpi Bleed: 6mm, no crop marks, no print marks Standard: PDF X3 Color: CMYK Do I set the bleed as extra 6mm (right or/and left) or should I be prepared that 6mm within the 297mm will be cut out? What about the color? Never worked on a CMYK and not sure how to set it. Thanks! Valentina
  7. I would like to learn to paint objects without loosing texture and volumes. Is there any tutorial on this? My immediate need is to apply bright solid colors to food (fish, cheese, steak particularly), sometimes I need to add stripes and dots (that follow the shape of the food). A great example of what I would like to achieve: http://www.floraborsi.com/191724/8428601/gallery/david-bowie
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