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amy weir

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Everything posted by amy weir

  1. Wow! Thank you!!! I am very proud of it. Your help is so greatly appreciated!!! Is there a preferred order for the classes? Levels before skin?
  2. I decided to stop here (unless you tell me otherwise). I'm very happy with the results (and hope) you think it looks natural on the full shot.
  3. Thank you! Will it start looking 'flat' if I take it too far? I don't really know when to stop. Also, side note ... (and probably a silly question) ... how did you come up with the numbers? Experience, right?! And why did you choose a levels layer vs a curves or something else.
  4. How am I doing? should I be keeping the blend mode at normal? I've been using a round/soft/10% brush and at times zooming in to mask just a few pixels at a time.
  5. thank you so much for the quick (early am) reply! i'll give it my best shot!!
  6. Help! This is a common problem when photographing dancers in bare feet (even indoors). Please help me to know the best way to deal with it. Many thanks in advance!!
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