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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    nikon D800. 24-70mm

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  1. Noted, so i shall leave empty? I guess because .jpg its the file that ALL clients will be able to open and wont take more space in my computer than should.... BUT I will appreciate your best suggestion regardless what i have just said . Thank u
  2. i dont know , would u kindly point whats the number i shall put there ? i will appreciate
  3. kindly note all images were are talking were saved as a batch from BRIDGE , and FROM THERE appears the banding. THIS sample have been saved individually once opened at PS
  4. ohhhh , would u kindly share with me HOW and WHAT parameters to use? shall i do that HERE , in this same place (screen shoot) . I will be beyond thankful,
  5. I just went back to the RAW files and just notice this might be a glitch when saving from Bridge to PS. RAW files are and look ok , once i move the Bridge sliders and save as .jpg THEN is when this weird banding/colors appear at the new saved files in PS
  6. Hello dear friends, so this happened to me for the VERY 1st time. I notice this back on camera BUT didn't know how to fix it while shooting. Any idea why this happened? How to avoid? as you can see there is banding and skin has red banding spots . Thank u
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