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Everything posted by Robynmcgrath
So I am picking this one back up Does this look okay with the amount of blur I put on the background?
And before I go any further I do want to take this pic into raw and have everything double checked. I'm already dreading having to redo all the masking I did last night.....I don't want to have to do this again on this photo.
((I don't remember best method, I'm sure I've done it before but it's been years)).
How do I do the blur layer?
And I have to do it all over again because my noise removal i did a month ago looks awful. :-(
Might be lack of shadows but also i think that the backdrop is maybe a lot more sharp than some parts of the back of the chair and such.
you may.... but i had to start all over because i trashed my attempt from a month ago. and even then i didnt get very fair because the masking felt like it was taking forever and a day.
It can go. I hate carpet, and especially in pictures.
Please dumb it way way down for me and/or send me a link to something. With the picture i provided of just the door, do I need to try to warp it so that its at the angle....or it will seriously look okay as is as the background, even though in the picture that I am replacing it in is at a completely different angel?
?Tears of joy, I was feeling so freaking shitty. They are such close friends and I really felt like I had let them down. I'm always so nervous to take pictures for other people anyways. The weather got cold and miserable and now the leaves are gone. :-( and then their youngest was just not having it this go round and the rest from this spot are far worse than this one. I have one other spot/set and they are sitting and he just was so over pictures and myself/camera. But they are much much sharper, just have an angry/trying to wriggle free two year old.
I pretty much know what your answer is gonna be on these. But i am a bit desperate. These are pictures of friends, I do not own a business but I do pictures for them once a year when they ask. I rented a lens from a local camera shop which I have done in the past but it wasnt the one I normally rent because it wasnt available. (normally I rent the nikon version 24-7-- this was the tameron). Though I am pretty sure this was operator error and not lens error. But most of the pictures just don't have good focus. Seems like camera shake? Which is surprising because I kept my shutter speed relatively high, which meant I had to have my ISO high/lots of grain). In this one I know the little guy in the front is worse because I needed a narrower apreture. Is there any hope of saving this? I feel awful right now.
sure. I can try playing with it again if you think it is possible for me to be able to do it and make it look half way decent and believable.
Im so sorry i am answering you after over a month. I had attempted this but i just got really flustered with the background replacing and I just was doing an awful job of it.
I'll try working on it tonight once the kids are in bed and I can focus my attention. Plus I might run it through raw class too before. Thank you so much.
Do you have a tutorial that explains how to do the angle? And would it look silly to get ride of the carpet entirely?
Or would that only have been worked if I had used off camera flash/studio lights and not window light(which will probably vary?
This might have a tiny bit more? I didnt really think to do anything like that. well I could. Its my chair, child, and barn door. I could try to take a picture of just the wood tomorrow at the same time of day?
I did not, no. :-(
Is it possible to extend the wood at least down to the white baseboard or carpet/would it be fairly difficult and how?