I made Edge my default browser and at least it registered but received this message. It's bizarre, most of the links work but there are a couple that don't. Probably doesn't matter too much, I can just use the good ol' Save As.
No, nothing. (Image attached) I did the B&W one yesterday and the other two today. I've clicked the link many times. It changes from dark blue to the lighter blue when I hover over it but nothing happens when I click. The others downloaded immediately.
Hi Damien - I have downloaded 3 of your generous actions and they downloaded easily and immediately to my Actions in Photoshop. I also did delete the default ones as you suggested. The File Save action though is not doing anything when I click on it. Any suggestions?
Oh this is back in time when I used to shoot in raw and jpg. I have many folders to sort through but haven't yet done so. (I'm not a professional photographer at all)
Could this have happened when I transferred all my stuff to a new computer?
I hope it's ok to ask this here - I have one folder where these symbols have appeared. Only in the one folder that I have noticed so far anyway. The actual raw and jpg photos are also there, Any idea why and can/should I get rid of them?
Ok, will do. Quick question though - if I have a photo where the subject is well in focus but I have to reduce the noise for the background quite a bit, would that affect the good focus of the subject?
How's this one? (If this one is no good, I'll have a camera play day and get some new photos just for the course I think. I haven't had a play with the camera for a while and am using some older photos). Thanks D.
Hi Damien - I have really only adjusted the exposure and white balance as I am yet to re-take the raw class. Also, I used the auto de-noise as that is now offered in PS. Hopefully what I'm sending is ok. Let me know if I need to re-do. Thanks, Deb