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Everything posted by Ireland_r

  1. Well, I don’t know what I was doing wrong but I got it. It’s working now. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thank you!!
  2. Hello Brian. A couple years ago you helped me build my awesome PC. It’s been great! Until tonight when I went to type in my password to get past my Lock Screen and the letter keys won’t work on my keyboard. I changed batteries and also tested the keyboard on my laptop. I tried using the keyboard on screen and it does the same thing. Everything except the letters works. I’m trying not to panic. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
  3. I was hoping not to go above 2500. So I think I’ll stick with the 1699. Again, thank you so much for your time and help on this. I really appreciate it.
  4. You are awesome! Thank you so much! I almost didn’t ask and just bought this last night. So glad I didn’t. However I’d rather get what I need now, so if I have to spend 2500 I will. I plan on taking a new direction and painting in photoshop. Does this change your recommendations at all?
  5. No luck. I just posted a new question about buying a new PC. I think it's time. Thank you so much for your help.
  6. Hello Brian. It's time to upgrade, I can't hold out any longer. Could you take a look at these specs for me and see if I missed anything? I'm getting a $100 discount so the total is 1996.00. Any feed back our recommendations would be much appreciated.
  7. Never mind! Somehow display resolution was switched. Fixed now….I’ll let you know if this helps 🤞
  8. Hello again. Okay I turned off my laptop display but when I did that my external monitor turned a very odd yellow color which is in turn causing all my images to be horrendous 😳 Any idea why this would be?
  9. My apologies for the delay. I’m waiting in hopes for prices to come down and building a PC based on what you recommend. I will try these things for now though. And I’ll let you know if they work. Thank you so much for your time.
  10. Graphics card- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M yes it is a (ASUS) laptop. and I don’t know if I have dedicated video memory 😬
  11. I am using a 4K HDMI cable. And I’m not sure what computer info you need so I hope this picture helps. Also please enjoy your vacation. This can wait til whenever and thank you! I’ll check out the link.
  12. Hello Brian. Back again with another issue. In March I purchased a new external monitor. I bought the Dell U2722D 27 inch. While working in photoshop my monitor keeps going black on me. And I get this message… The tech guy at the store said “the monitor isn’t high definition enough and there’s nothing I can do”. 🥺 So here I am hoping you have some magic for me.
  13. Sorry to bother you again Brian but I’m not seeing a way to eject the EHD. 🤔 Could you help me?
  14. Great! I’ll be sure to take extra precaution from here on out. Thank you so much for all your help. I really appreciate it.
  15. All it took was reading, common sense and my 17 year old son for me to realize it was already GPT. Everything is done and I’m all set. One more question. Is it okay to just leave this plugged in?
  16. Step 8: my only option is to “Convert to Dynamic Disk…”. Is that what I select?
  17. Never mind, delete volume isn’t even an option on the other two! 🤦🏼‍♀️
  18. Brian I just want to be sure I’m doing this correctly. In step 5 I want to select “Healthy (Primary Partition) in the Disc 1 section (which is the new EHD) correct? Not the EFI system partition or the unalocated. You have the primary partition selected so I’m sure that’s it but I’m questioning everything doing here. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m sorry to be a bother.
  19. Hello again Brian. My hard drive is in (I bought the 6TB and boy does it look fancier than anything I’ve ever had Lol). It is almost 1am where I am so I’m going to go to sleep but I’ll be ready to get this set up when I wake. Thanks again for your help.
  20. Thank you!! It should be here by the 7th so I’ll be in touch. The people I talked to said between 700-3900 and anticipated the upward end of that. Thankfully I don’t need clients work. I just had one session on there of my daughter that I didn’t back up. Thanks for your help and I’ll let you know when HD is in.
  21. Yeah I’ve definitely made it worse with my desperate attempts to retrieve the files. It no longer reads that it’s a seagate anymore. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve thankfully had my clients final work backed up but I’m sure there’s a few things of my own I do not. This is the second seagate in a short time that’s done this. However I’m probably more of the problem than them by the sounds of it. I’ll buy the hard drive now and read the article as well. Thank you!
  22. I hear no clicking. At one point the pictures were there after he helped me but it was really slow. Now I can’t open it at all and have a message that says “the parameter is incorrect”. yes I’d say I unplug it and plug it back in often. I don not “eject”. It is a seagate 2TB. I’ll try taking it to him tomorrow, however when I called back regarding the recycle bin he didn’t think he could help. 🤦🏼‍♀️ What do you recommend for hard drives?
  23. Just a quick update. My local software guy called me back. Walked me through changing permissions and for a moment it looked like everything was back. Unfortunately most is gone now. Said there was corrupt files in recycle bin on the EHD. All files are still labeled but when I open they aren’t there. I ran Glarys again after deleting recycle bin and it’s in the process of shutting down now. I think all is lost. 😔
  24. Hello Brian. I ran Glary's on my laptop and also uninstalled some programs hoping to free up some space. I have no idea what I did but now I cannot access the external hard drive that I am using. I get a message that says it is not accessible access denied. Could you please help? (I'm freaking out).
  25. Oh my gosh you are a genius! I simply hit sign out and it’s all back to normal! Thank you!!
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