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Bob Cornish

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  1. Hello Brian, I have been struggling with my current pc which is i7 with gtx 1070 about 5 years old my guess. My wife has heard me complaining and stuglling with this, as it seems terribly slow and freezes etc. so she secretly bought me a new pc. I was looking at them one day and she was with me and i mentioned this "particlluar one" i was looking at would be better. She picked up the GTX 30.... something part, returned what she bought and got me an i5 with an RTX 3060. I think the 3060 will be ok for a while (just my guess), but I am concerned over the i5. What do you think? I think i read somewhere you recommend at minimum i7 with 3070. I havent opened the box yet and can still return until Jan 14th I think. Thanks Brian, Bob
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