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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon d810, Nikon d700, Nikon 24-70mm f2.8, Nikon 50mm f1.4, Nikon 70-200mm f2.8, Tamron 100mm macro f2.8

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  1. I think I'm getting better especially with the shift key thing. However around the hair & mums eyelashes it's still a bit dodgy! I think where I"m not doing it quite right is on the first gradient that's on multiple mode, I'm not quite sure what you mean by you painted on its mask at low opacity to around the hair!
  2. Um no didn't know about shift key & yes realised on closer inspection of your psd it was radial not linear! Ok ok will give all that a whirl! Jeez learning curve tonight! I think I'm so stuck in my ways on how I normally edit that I rarely need to do anything outside that realm! It's good to learn some new stuff!
  3. Ok so I've been working on this & clearly my masking is rough as guts but here's what I've got. Is it really just my masking that is too rough? Do I need to be really precise with erasing off the mask? Or am I missing a step?
  4. Actually I think I found it in Gradient Fill Layer! I'm getting there it's not as good as yours but it'll work! Will also check that link thanks again! You've been a lifesaver today! (although I'm sure you are every day for others)
  5. ok I have no idea what I'm doing with these gradient layers! Damien what do you charge for something like this to be done? I've got about 4 other images I need this done on.
  6. ok great! Ill see if I can replicate it!
  7. Definitely! Can I do that easily with the other images I've got?
  8. Ok here you go! I've got about 6-10 images on this backdrop to change though! I'm happy to cull it to 6 from the 10 but yeh would need just an idea on how to go about it!
  9. She'd have to! Maybe the dark brown would be best! Is there a tutorial for that?
  10. I'm having issues with a set of images from a recent session. The client wanted the image background to be black and hadn't told me before i came along as otherwise I would have brought a black backdrop. So my darkest drop I had was this textured brown. I've tried to follow the steps in replacing background behind hair tutorial but I'm not sure why it's just not working for me. Is that the correct tutorial for what I'm trying to do or should I be doing something else? Thanks in advance, doing my head in here! lol
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