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Monique Graham

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Everything posted by Monique Graham

  1. Thank you, good to know, going into the lab to talk to them tomorrow. Thanks Damien
  2. Thanks for the quick reply Damien, I'll contact them then. From the examples do you think these images should print up well? I really want to produce amazing prints for my clients...
  3. Hi Damien, I just received an order of 6x4s back from my lab (a pro lab). I have my screen calibrated to as close a match as I can get. My target luminance using using colormunki display is 80 (the lowest setting), the calibration print is slightly desaturated (especially the blues) compared to what I see on screen, but I felt it was close enough. Haven't had trouble before and just ordered an album from another supplier and was happy with the result. These prints I got back seem quite grey/desaturated and there's a tinge of magenta in them. They're just a bit "blah". I'm trying to work out why. Could it be the lab was having a bad day? Is there something wrong with my calibration? Where should I go from here? I definitely want to get them right for my clients but don't want to end up with the same results. I've checked and I'm definitely in sRGB. I've attached a couple of the images... both looked really good to me onscreen...the one of the girl has printed with a magenta tinge on the wall in the background and I just can't see it in my file. Can you see it? Thanks for any help you can offer!
  4. Hi Damien, I've had my first jaundice baby. Would love to know if I'm on the right track. I followed your photo filter tutorial, this is using the LBB cooling filter. Here is the SOOR and my attempt at using the cooling filter. Thanks!
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