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Everything posted by JessicaSalazar

  1. This looks great!! And you went to a -37 angle! I just couldn't get it right! Do you have any tips on trying to figure out the angle other than just moving the dial and seeing where the colors go??
  2. Damien, I think I need your help on this still. Here is the jpeg file for both the RAW edit and then with the gradient. I can get the left side just fine, but the right side behind grandma is totally messing me up. I just can't get the light at the right angle on that side. Can you help me please. Please let me know if you need something else other than the jpeg. Thanks!
  3. Oh, oops! I just did a quick screenshot - I forget those are png files. I normally don't save anything as pngs.
  4. Oh! I think I got it! I have about 6 markers on my gradient, but the colors match! Now to buy a new backdrop and get rid of that damn seamless paper!
  5. Is the link to help me with my website? That would be great! Which format would you like?
  6. Should I use the "balloon background change" method instead? I think I was getting it wrong because of the all various shades behind them.
  7. I mentioned closing because of this article: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/role-of-masks-when-cloning.html
  8. I can't for the life of me figure out if I should be using gradient or cloning to edit the background. I've read several of your articles about gradients, but maybe I'm just not getting the right angle. Please help! I have at least 4 of these that I need to do. Thank you!
  9. I did not try saving to internal drive, but I could see how I pissed off PS. ? I had more than 12 files open. ?
  10. Oh, I was wrong about the last time it was shut down. I had just restarted it 1 hour prior after installing the new PS CC versions.
  11. I have a Mac desktop running OS X Yosemite and Photoshop CC. It is under 2 years old, and has 8GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 896GB free out of 999GB. The last time I shut down was earlier today. I have never run a cleanup program. It is a 8 bit file. I am saving to an external hard drive. Here is the storage screen shot. The first 11 images saved just fine (psd, jpg, and website size jpg)
  12. I'm regretting updating PS tonight. It's super slow now and then I get halfway through my edits and this error pops up. Can you help? Thanks!!
  13. Quick update: I couldn't get photorec to work which is probably a good thing because a neighbor of mine was able to help. Turns out, there was NOTHING on the card anymore. Not one smudge of a file to be found. Glad I didn't waste my money. Thanks again for your help.
  14. Yea, that sound about right. My Mac is from 2014, so I have the Intel Corei5. Ok, after I download the zip file this is what I see from Photorec. I don't see a file to run the program.
  15. The first 3 are for Windows based, I'm a Mac. Recuva's website is down. I can't find the right file to open on Photorec once I unzip the file to start the program. CardRescue found 182 files, but won't show me a preview within the little window to see if they are even the files that I'm looking for.
  16. I just finished a session a few days ago with only 16 images on a Lexar Platinum II 8GB Compact Flash 200x. When I turned the camera on to confirm the images were still on the card, it was fine. When I put the card into my card reader, it found the images. I went to select the folder to download the images and now both my card reader and my camera are saying there is something wrong with the card. How do I get these images off the card? Please help.
  17. LOL Besides doing a "hard" shut off, the only quit I'm finding is with the Bridge icon. Should I just turn off with the main power button?
  18. Thanks, Brian! So I let it do it's thing and 3 hours later its still thinking. What exactly is it doing? The only cache I've ever heard of is with your web browser. Why would Bridge have cache? (sorry if this is a "stupid" question) As for my free space, I have LOTS - or at least it looks like it to me.
  19. For the past month, Bridge has been asking me to compact the cache. So today, I finally said yes, go ahead and now it's stuck. This is what my screen looks like. What should I do now?? Thanks!
  20. Hi there, just curious what this "warning" means and how I should proceed. Thanks!
  21. No, I'm not sure. And yes, I'm up to date. I was thinking the once converted to black and white I would see where I needed to make adjustments. I'll try again to make sure I have the look I want even in black and white.
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