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Everything posted by ShannonJoy

  1. Thank you Damien! This absolutely helps! I appreciate it so much!
  2. Thank you @Christina Keddie!!! Yes, I will wait for him to upload the PSD so I can learn and see what all he did. I have a question for you about where you said, "he worked on the tiny file you uploaded"....are my files too small? I am sadly forced to shoot in JPEG right now because my dinosaur Imac won't take RAW from my new D750. Anyway, thank you for your info. I am planning on taking the classes but I am currently on a 2009 imac and pretty much everything I try to do on here is becoming a challenge until I either clean off my computer and get el capitan or finally invest in a new Mac product. Yikes! Thank you very much!
  3. Damien! I think that looks great! WAY better! THANK YOU! Also, sorry for the delay in response, I saw this on my phone last night but couldn't figure out how to reply. I needed to sign in and didn't see that option. LOL. So, what bothered me so much about the edit I did was cloning the white blanket right next to the head and arm was that it lost so much depth of field of the open space and it didn't look real. How in the tarnation did you do that?! So now what? How does this work when you do an edit for someone? Am I able to now somehow save and use this image for my client? Am I supposed to take a class to learn to do this? I really am not sure and don't want to make assumptions. Regardless, many thanks for tackling this!
  4. Is there a way to get my nasty hand out of this photo and make it look normal? I used clone stamp to try but I just don't like this. This was the only smile I got at this perspective.
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