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Everything posted by Cin

  1. Hi Damien, did you want to use one of these photos for the post in your link above? I am more than happy to supply one if needed.
  2. I definitely will. I can't thank you enough Damien!
  3. I just realised what I did...reading back through my notes I adjusted to the skin tone but I have a clear note made saying not to do that. Silver lining of the original problem...forcing me to go back and read my notes. SORRY!
  4. Thank you! I will go back and review my notes while you are gone.
  5. Apologies for the slow reply Damien, sidetracked with the kids. Here are the raw processed 100% of the 3 images.
  6. Hi there, I haven't posted in quite a while. I have 7 images from a newborn photo shoot where I have to remove/fix/clean up poo stains on the outfit. Normally I would clone and patch this on a blanket or backdrop but it is on her outfit so the texture and sheer fabric is making it difficult. I have included a number of the images so you can see the varying degrees of what needs to be fixed. Any advice on how to tackle this would be greatly appreciated.
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