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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 24-70mm f2.8L, Canon 50mm f1.4, Canon 100mm

jshall27's Achievements

  1. As always, I’m grateful for your expertise!
  2. Hi Brian, I’m back with a follow up! My computer worked ok for a while after this convo, but is now so slow it’s almost unusable. I was about to go out and purchase a new one, when someone suggested I purchase an external SSD as a cheaper, temporary fix. Is this something you’d agree with?
  3. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, I left town for a few days. So I unplugged my Time Machine and the computer is lightning fast now! I'm about to plug it back in and try deleting some old backups to see if that also helps the speed, because I don't want to not have the Time Machine backing up. Thank you so much for your help!
  4. Brian, Upon looking further, I have one external hard drive set as my Time Machine and it's almost full. Do you think that could be affecting the speed as well? It's a 4 TB hard drive and only has 131.66 GB available. Would it do me any good to delete some of the old backups?
  5. Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting to hear that! Thank you so much for your advice!
  6. Oops, missed the other part...it has a 27" display
  7. The computer is a late 2015, so just shy of 6 years old.
  8. I have a Mac desktop running Mojave 10.14.6 and Photoshop CC 2019. It is over 4 years old, and has 32GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 2100GB free out of 3120GB. The last time I shut down was just before posting this thread. I run a cleanup program about once a week.
  9. Hi Brian, I've seen your posts in the past warning about upgrading to Big Sur, so I'm still running Mojave 10.14.6. I'm also currently using Photoshop CC 2019 (although I have the newer versions downloaded). I run CleanMyMac once a week and I have most of my files on external hard drives, so I have over 2 TB of available storage and I've got 32 GB of memory. My computer is running really slowly no matter what I do. Do you think I should bite the bullet and upgrade to Big Sur or do you have any other suggestions on what could help with the speed?
  10. No, I haven't tried that. I'm trying to research what all I'll lose by doing that, Lol. But I think it's my last hope.
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