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Posts posted by Ikea

  1. Hey Damien!

    This one might be a bit tough to copy being as my little doesn't have as much hair. Haha. but I absolutely love her tones!



    Basically all of her recent work has these golden/purple tones but I just chose my favorite. I can crop more if need to match the crop but I am really just looking for the tones. Please let me know if you need another image to work with. Thank you.


  2. Okay, Damien. I must admit I hadn't gotten that far in the raw class before posting. So i had to take the time out to read it. I know this isn't the deluxe class but I just wanted to point out that this time I used the click and drag feature with the dropper on the skirt since it was white, (just hope this isn't what you would consider "far left whites":/). 


  3. Hi, Damien! I can't seem to find a way to turn these tags because of the different angles. Here is what I've tried...

    1 is the original 

    2 is of the tags I would like to use.

    3 is my to show you how I'm struggling.

    But honestly, am I wasting my time because of the angles?







  4. I was on this image when I finally read your reply so this is what I tried it on. I couldn't exactly get it to look like a 2 however his name starts with a Z so if this is passable it's a win-win. What do you think? Should I just stick with the 3 and call it a day?



  5. Damien,

    I thought about placing a 3d number two beside baby almost as if a big number was used in the shot. But I feel like I didn't leave enough space for placement. Now, I'm wondering if I can change baby's shirt number because I honestly don't know any other way to incorporate his second birthday. I know it is a weird request but is it possible?



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