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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon d5200

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  1. Thanks!!! I’ll have fun practicing my white balances tonight too!!!
  2. I’ve done step 1 - restarted the comp afterwards and of course there was an update that needed to be done... so now I’m waiting for that to finish And yes - from what I can see, the colours look like they’re supposed to
  3. hahahahaha i told you i was very new.... i havent seen photoshop since my year 8 infotech class!!! i just copy off my sd card into meticulously named folders and then cull later... is this what you wanted to see?
  4. I have a PC laptop running win 10 and Photoshop cc 17. It is under 2 years old, and has 4GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 48.8GB free out of 107GB. The last time I shut down was more than 24 hours ago. I rarely run a cleanup program.
  5. There is still a noticeable difference when viewing a jpg, but it’s not as bad as when viewing a raw
  6. Hi Damien, As i discussed in my email last week, I'm having an issue with reds in ACR and PS... any advice would be appreciated, but please explain things to me like I'm a 3 year old as I'm very new to this..... i read through some of the other threads on here and, honestly, most of it was gobbeldygook to me... I tried contacting Adobe Chat and they said there was no issue and they couldn't see the colour difference...
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