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Posts posted by kellyjonesphoto

  1. I have a question about the size of my final files that get imported to my client's galleries, and then downloaded by them and sent off into the world. My concern is that they are too small to print to any size. 

    My workflow is to import original raw into LR, flag my favs and then export just those original files to a batch folder. I open these for editing in PS, make my edits, and then save each PS file as a JPEG. I reimport just the JPEG edits into a new Quick Collection in LR as final edits and then export those to a client folder so that I can rename them all with their last name - number.jpg. I am finding some of these files are only 3MBs and my concern is that they won't be able to print these wall portrait size. I am not sure if I am working with full RAW size files where the size compression is happening in PS. What am I doing to make the files so  much smaller? I do not resize at all. 

    I used to save the files as TIFFs vs JPEG in PS after editing and would reimport those TIFFs to LR once edited, and they were very large files. After exporting the TIFF a final time as JPEG out of LR to the client upload folder they would be in the 18MB range. 

    What would be the correct way to do this? I work in LR4/PS6.

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