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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
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  • Monitor Calibrator

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  1. Yes, but your much more knowledgeable about it than me so I am making sure.
  2. ahhh.. I just went to the metadata template and the box for date is checked.
  3. The JPG. I did just look back at some of them and they aren't just on ones that I pulled into PS. I have a couple that a solely edited in ACR that are doing it too.. I also go and rename all the files and change the meta data to have my information in it. Could that be doing it?
  4. I edit them, then saved the edit as PSD and then crop and then save as JPG. This happens within minutes of each other I would say.
  5. I open from ACR into Photoshop, edit and then save. Maybe something inside PS?
  6. I just looked and oddly enough they have the correct date too.... You must be on to something. What am I doing wrong?
  7. Yes, once I bring them into bridge and make adjustments it changes the date.
  8. They come into the computer fine, the date on the RAW files are correct. It's something in Bridge that changes the date somehow.. It is so wierd.
  9. When I go into finder the images show an older date than what they were taken. Is that what you mean?
  10. I am in the process of submitting images for all the 2018 contest and I am noticing that Bridge has change the created by date when I renamed them. The originals have the correct created date but the renamed JPG images have a date in 2017 and they were shot last year. What am I missing? Is there a setting that's messed up?
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