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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon 7200, Nikon Z7ii

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  1. I am pretty happy with that. With gradient map, and Channel mixer there is absolutely endless colour variety. Lighting is everything, then posing, so I will be playing around to see what I can achieve. Thank you.
  2. Played with the second image too.
  3. Thank you. Ok, played with quite a few things this morning. I hope she doesn't look too much like a ping pong ball.
  4. This one might be a bit better to try on.
  5. This is not so much a style, as a piece of artwork. https://pin.it/6fdjcKe hope this works. Would I start with a gradient map?
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