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Michelle Pena

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D850 - Sigma Art lenses 50 mm 1.4 and 35mm 1.4

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  1. Should I be ok with upgrading to Sequoia? Its file is 7.48 GB. Has anyone had any issues? Thank you, Brian.
  2. It's 7.48 GB, so I feel like it would be okay. I've only had this new Mac mini for over a year. Has anyone had issues? Image below. Also, has anyone experienced any issues with the Photoshop update? The image below shows what it's asking me to upgrade.
  3. How can I get the resolution box back on the top tool bar? When clicking the crop box, it used to be there by height & width. Or is it gone now?
  4. If I can butt in here, lol! I came from a 16 GB, and it slowed down because of all the PS updates. I could not upgrade to Sonoma or upgrade my PS to 2024 (I was using the 2019 version) I knew if I did, it would slow down the imac even more. Believe me, from my experience, saving up for my 32 GB M2 Pro mini Mac was the best choice ( of course, now they have the m3, which was not available yet when I purchased the new machine ...ugh). Everything runs smoothly.I have not yet updated to the new 14.5 Sonoma. The upgrade is 2.48 GB, which is not bad I think the M2 could handle it but If I don't need to upgrade, I won't. Photoshop runs so well on the new 2024 version. I can also use the AI features to remove items from pictures to remove wrinkles or to extend backgrounds, and it's fast at generating it! Take Brian's word for it: this one will not do what you need it to. Anyway, my two cents! LOL. Good luck, Jess!
  5. I am going to wait for a bit before upgrading. Geez, I feel I just upgraded to the 14.3 !
  6. LOL, no, I won't be a moron and start this with sessions needing to be edited, but I stay busy.. sooooo. It's not a big deal; honestly, everything works fine. The only reason I wanted to upgrade to PS 2024 is because of the AI feature where hands, feet, and the harder stuff can be easily edited out. Especially the sessions where parents help spot a newborn, and we have hands to edit out. It would make editing go smoothly. I am not a fan of the AI world but it's here. Thank you for the links!
  7. Oh, I see. Can't run the new OS on the 2023 PS? So if I update, just update both? Sorry if I misunderstood.
  8. I have a 32GB MiniMac M2 Pro chip. Will this be okay to upgrade? I mean, I've had this MiniMac for just three months, and there is already an upgrade! Brian, any issues that you know of?
  9. I think my time is up in that class , thank you.
  10. Where can I find a link to download and print out the WB grayscale? Thank you!
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