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Dell XPS help!!


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So - powered up the computer today.. had no problems, downloaded photoshop, went to go do something while it downloaded. 
came back to the desktop, couldn’t open explorer internet (all it came with) said that I had windows on it, wouldn’t pull up, closed all windows, still nothing. 
restarted, and now I’ve got a black screen of nothing ???



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I'd contact Dell Support. If you do end up replacing your computer, the very first thing I want you to do is download and install Firefox. Why? Because Microsoft Edge sucks as just as much as Internet Explorer, and Chrome...while fast, is not color-managed.

Now Windows 10 Explorer is different than a browser. That's part of Windows.

Try pulling the power cord out of the unit and wait 30 seconds to a min. Then plug it back in again. I would also un-hook any external hard drives that you have connected. You'd be surprised on how often a EHD will prevent a computer from booting, because Windows gets confused.

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Nah man, all I did was download photoshop because I knew it was going to take a while here.  Nothing else was just plugged into the computer, just the mouse, keyboard and monitor. 

know I need Firefox but was just in a rush to get the dl going. Did contact Dell, did everything they recommended. Plug unplug hold power button to drain power, f12 for diagnostics, checked all the boot profile things (forget the acronyms) 

Dell said sounds like a motherboard issue. 

Even if I could fix it would you want to keep a computer that’s having problems straight out of the box? ?

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If Dell is going to replace it, go for it. Also, sometimes things like RAM become loose during transport. It could be something simple as that. F-R-A-G-I-L-E is Swahili for "Please Drop Me." :D 

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Haha yes I did see that something like that can mess it up - some forums I was on were like “remove all additional ram strip it to the basics etc” 


so the computer is certified refurbished, that’s why I got the good deal with it. I know you always take a risk but there is a warrantee on the return until the 30th of Jan, free returns.. I’ll be speaking with the company I got it from through amazon MASTERTRONICS - GLOBAL DISTRIBUTOR OF ELECTRONICS Today. In the meantime I’m seriously behind of taking photos anyway.. was supposed to be taking some daily up until Christmas and didn’t so... here’s karma saying get back out in the field lol. 


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Your good juju rubbed off!! Just got off with Amazon, Had no problem issuing a replacement. said is there any way we can make sure the one from the warehouse is like, newly stocked? And she said you shouldn’t have a problem I and sending a new one. I said like brand new? quietly she answered yes. HAPPY DANCE. 

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That’s like me getting a D4s for the cost of repair ($612) of my D3s because Nikon broke my camera and parts no longer existed on the planet for it. 

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