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Dell XPS laptop question....

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I have been reading this forum today gathering info on the best laptop and in a thread you said this laptop looks great....below photo...I want to confirm that before ordering and also to ask which of the 3 options in photo 2 to choose - I am assuming the first one with the IPS sRGB?





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3 hours ago, LIslinger said:

I am assuming the first one with the IPS sRGB?

IPS is the display panel type. Not the colorspace. YES, you want a IPS-Based Display. IPS panels and made to ensure color, contrast and brightness are consistent from edge to edge, which is what you want when it comes to editing photos. There are other panel types, like a TN panel, which is great for general computing or playing video games and can have support for multple Colorspaces, like it's 95% sRGB, 100 Adobe RGB, blah-blah-blah. TN panels very cheap to make and are the dominant ones installed in laptops. They aren't as consistent as IPS panels, so I always tell people to avoid them. Unfortunately, this requirement makes it much harder to find a "Good Laptop for Photo Editing."

The choices you have made are decent. Click Buy and enjoy your purchase.

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Thanks! I just wasn’t sure which choice to make of the three that were offered. 

I mainly edit on my PC. I’m simply getting a laptop for times I’m not at my desk but also wanted to be sure I can edit on it if I have to.

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If you are going to edit / judge color of any photos and it's going to be on your laptop, get the IPS Screen.

I realize that you probably get this, I'm posting this comment for anyone else who might come across this thread.

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I will get the IPS. 

But of these choices in that second photo does it matter if I get the non touch IPS sRGB or the touch IPS adobeRGB? I’m assuming these are simply a touch screen or not touch screen?

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Do not get the touch display.


  1. They are a bitch to calibrate and you'll probably need a more expensive calibration tool to calibrate it.
  2. Smudges from your fingers will drive you nuts when you edit photos.

Here is the thing with AdobeRGB and it's one of those things that we just can't get out of people's heads:

The majority of the world is sRGB.


JPEG"s default is sRGB. Everything you see on the web, things out in real life, like Billboards and Movie Posters, to logos...it's all sRGB. Unless you are doing your own prints with fancy and expensive printers, and then selling said prints...you do not need AdobeRGB!!! People think that having a larger colorspace is better, the rockSTARS from whatever web-based classroom will go on and on about having all of those colors to edit it...all that "fabric" to more around...is complete BS. Because as soon as you save as a .jpg file from PS, even though you might create a 14-bit or higher Raw file and edit in 16-Bit AdobeRGB, the file automatically transfers into the sRGB colorspace in the end when you save as a JPEG.

sRGB is a lot bigger in terms of dynamic range than one thinks. It's 16.7 Million Colors. Most individuals can't tell the difference between color number 14,042,698 and 14,042,699 (or whatever) but plenty of websites and keyboard warriors will bitch Preach that you NEED AdobeRGB and it's "Better." It's just like when a woman asks a guy if he can tell the difference between two shades of red. While it might look completely different to women, as a guy they are both "Red." AdobeRGB is like Back-button Focus. It gives people who have blogs something to write about. LMAO.

In terms of choosing a display for photo editing, a Non-Touch, IPS-Based and a sRGB percentage level above 95% is a good place to be. Heck, you can go lower to say 90% and still be fine. So if a display says it's 95% of sRGB and another one says it's 99%, the usual thinking is, "Oh, I will get the 99% one since it's 'better.'" The truth is, we have enough trouble with people not getting their White Balance correct or even the blasted exposure right in-camera than to have people worry that their display sucks because it's 96% of sRGB instead of 100%. Once you get 95% or above, you are FINE and it really doesn't make that much of a difference in real life. :)

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