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Extra RAM purchase

Sara Evans

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Hi Brian! I'm looking at buying an iMac. Right now I use a Windows desktop which is about 7 years old and starting to show signs that it is on it's way out. I have looked at your recommendations and need to buy extra RAM but it doesn't look like B&H or Crucial has any left (I would like to buy 4x32GB or at least 2x32GB). Do you have any other places you would recommend buying from?

Also, is it relatively easy to move RAW (CR2) files and other files from Windows to Mac? Right now I backup to Crashplan/Code 42 and am waiting on a response from them to make sure it is compatible.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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10 minutes ago, Sara Evans said:

Do you have any other places you would recommend buying from?

You can find it on Amazon: Crucial 64 GB Kit

Or look for a OWC equivalent: OWC 64GB Kit

I'm sure your next question is "Which one?" It doesn't matter. Both are good. OWC has been making Mac Stuff since the 1990's (or late 1980's) and it's $300.

10 minutes ago, Sara Evans said:

Also, is it relatively easy to move RAW (CR2) files and other files from Windows to Mac?


Apple makes it EXTREMELY EASY to go from a Windows Machine to a Mac. It's when you want to go back and forth between a Mac and Windows Computer is where things become a pain in the ass. My recommendation: Pick a format and stick with it. Mac OR Windows.

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Thank You!!

FYI: By default, a Macintosh will READ a Windows-based drive without any issues, but will not WRITE to it without help. This is what trips people up. You'll just need to download the Crashplan/Code 42 Software that is meant for the Mac, and then sign in / download / sync stuff. The one thing I'm not sure is going back and forth between the two worlds. It could turn out that Crashplan is impartial and doesn't care, which if you think about, makes things really easy. If not, I'd download all your files to your new Mac and then create new folders with Crashplan and sync things up. Of course, hopefully the support team from Crashplan can answer these questions or point you to a FAQ Answer.

Oh, I'm sure you saw this, but here it is anyway:

Quick and Dirty iMac Desktop Configurations

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