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PSCC and El Capitan compatibility issues still??

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Just double checking.  I need to work with some ORF images and my version of Camera Raw/Bridge doesn't support them.  I cannot download Adobe DNG Converter until I update my OS to OS X 10.9 or later. I am currently on OS X 10.8.5.  Is there some other way to be able to work with these Olympus RAW images?

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You are kinda stuck. Yes, there are issues, but either people have learned to live with them or have just stopped complaining. 

It's too bad you didn't upgrade to Mavericks when you had the chance. El Capitan is in your future. You don't have a choice. Even I will have to upgrade to El Capitan at some point. 

I would upgrade now, before the next OS hits later this year, Mac OSX Sierra. Good Luck!! 

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