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New Dell desktop

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He should, depending on what he plays. The problem is, it's 2021...and fancy video cards are tough to come by. If he is playing Minecraft and something similar, that configuration will be more than adequate. If he is doing Tournament Stuff where he wins actual money or is into very intensive graphical games, he might have to lower the settings. But the problem is...it's 2021. You just can't get Video Cards, Laptops, and the current video game consoles as there is a Chip shortage. Basically, everyone needs to have "Realistic Expectations," and not think, "I just spent $3000 on a computer! What do you mean it's not fast enough?!?!!" It's 2021. It is the worst time to be in the market for a new computer. So much that I'm about to write a article entitled, "Buying a Computer in 2021." The prices are terrible for what you get.

That said, the $2999 PC should be "Fine." Want better than "Fine?" Then you are waiting until 2022 or 2023 for a new computer. The Chip Shortage and COVID-19 Pandemic has f*cked with everything. :(

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Honestly? That would be wise. That $2999 PC we are talking about should have been $1899 Canadian a year and a half ago. Maybe less. That's how much prices have jumped. Personally, I'd just start saving money now and be prepared to buy something in 2022. If prices are still high, the blow will be less because you have more at your disposal in savings. If they go down, you have extra money to put towards something else.

Personally, I'm not buying anything in 2021 if I can help it. At least Technology-Wise. The only thing on my plate is the new Xbox that's out, but nobody can get, and I refuse to pay scalper's prices. I will wait until I can buy one off-the-shelf locally if i can. Even if its 2022 or 2023. ;)

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@Anne Adlington: I found a PC that would be perfect for Video Games as well as Photoshop. I'm not sure if they ship to Canada, and the exchange rate will be high, but here it goes:


All you would need to do is change the "Storage Set #1" to:

1x SSD M.2 (2TB Samsung 970 EVO) (NVM Express)

This brings the cost to $3036 US Dollars.

It's only money, right?


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Oh, one more thing. I configured a Dell XPS Special Edition system and made sure the video card was one that would play Video Games as well as run Photoshop extremely well:



That's $3193.99 before Tax and better shipping. At the time of this writing, that works out to be $4013.85 Canadian. SMDH.

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