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Batch Exporting

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I thought I remembered reading a tutorial or blog or FB post by Damien somewhere about batch saving files out of Bridge. I have a set of files I'd like to batch resize, sharpen, and rename, but I want to make sure I'm not going to save over my psd's. These are just files for client previewing, not for final output, so I'm not concerned about correct sharpening.


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You'd use Image Processor to do this.  The beauty of Image Processor is it saves all output files in a new separate folder, so it's impossible to save over your PSDs. :)

Damien's instructions for setting up and using his web actions explain how to use Image Processor with Bridge.

(And "client previewing" is when your client will first see these images and make decisions on purchases, yes?  I'd argue that that's one of the most important places to be concerned about correct sharpening...)

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Thanks Christina! I knew I had read that somewhere before.

Re: sharpening, I know that sounds flippant, but I just need to downsize for quick previews, which I usually do out of LR. I'm trying to switch over to Bridge though, so I wanted to use the Bridge/PS workflow. I do my print sharpening according to Damien's class, so don't worry too much about my clients ;)

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Update: I've been using D's web sizing action without batching, because I tend to do one-off image prep. I set up a duplicate action just now and kept the sharpening box open for interpretation. Now I can resize while also making sure that the sharpening is per-photo. Thanks for the little nudge where I was going to let things slide a bit for ease - now I have the best of both worlds :)

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For what it's worth, I batch the sharpening step of D's action -- as long as my files are in focus with the noise removed, I don't find the incremental difference in sharpening per photo to be worth the time and effort. ;)  I just meant you shouldn't do client previews with no sharpening at all!  I only do per-photo sharpening for prints. :)

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