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I'm sorry if I am not in the right location for this question.  I'm trying to figure out what could have caused the lines in my photos so I can avoid doing it in the future.  The pictures with the dark lines were taken on live mode with flash off.  The photo without the lines was taken a bit after (as soon as I noticed), through the viewfinder with flash also off.  It was mounted to my camera but the unit itself was off. I've tried with the same set up this morning and it's not doing it. 



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Nope, you are in the right place. The problem with your image with the "Lines" is caused by, drumroll please...


This is happening more frequently as people upgrade to Mirrorless. The LED Lighting and shutter speed are syncing up too well and you are getting lines like this. I've even seen this phenomena happen with my Cell Phone and a LED Flashlight. 

What Make/Model is your camera body?

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Two ways to combat this:

  1. Either Speed up or slow down the Shutter Speed until the lines go away.
  2. Turn on Flicker Reduction.

Out of the two, turning on Flicker Reduction is the best bet. To accomplish this, hit the Menu Button on your D780 >> Photo Shooting Menu (Little Camera Icon) >> Flicker Reduction Setting & Flicker Reduction Indicator >> SET BOTH TO ON <<.

More info: https://onlinemanual.nikonimglib.com/d780/en/14_menu_guide_03_20.html

  On 11/12/2021 at 10:10 PM, Damette said:

I have a Nikon d780 which sort of functions like a mirrorless in Live View.


You are correct, this is exactly why.

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