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Quick look folders


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Hope someone can help me.  Not sure why or what I've done, but busy editing and wanted to acces the folder I saved the edited images to, only to find that it will only allow me a 'quick look' or tag with colours.  Is there a way I can get my images/change settings to normal folder withou losing my edits? 


Thank you!



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What was the solution? I was going to tell you to make sure "Maximize Compatibility Box" is checked when saving in PS and to hit the spacebar to toggle quick view in the finder.


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To be honest, Brian, I have no clue what I've actually done!  I went to make a cuppa, came back, took a breath and closed the Finder down.  I then re-opened the Finder, went to the folder again (still wouldn't let me move or copy the images), so I somehow managed to drag the whole folder onto my desktop and access it from there...  Wish I knew what I've done though! haha

Thank you anyhow for your reply ;)

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