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The dreaded Not enough ram

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Hi I have been having an issue with ps cc lately. I have an asus rog Flow . Nividia 4070, I9 32 gb ram and 1tb ssd. And I keep getting the not enough ram when I use the remove tool. Not always but lately quite a bit. Is my computer not good enough or is there a glitch ? It’s frustrating when it freezes up. Any suggestions? I thought I followed all the specs you suggested when I got it in December. 
thanks Brian 


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It most likely has to do with the Video Card Drivers and Video RAM, not the regular RAM that everyone talks about. How many images do you have open at the same time? When is the last time you used Asus’ utility software to update your Video Card Drivers? Windows Update doesn’t count. 

Also, could you fill this out and report back?


Details about your Computer’s Health



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I have a PC laptop running Windows 11 current update 2024-05 and Photoshop 25.9.0 . It is under 6 months old, and has 31GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 568GB free out of 926GB, and it runs a Nvida  graphics card. The last time I shut down was earlier today. I have never run a cleanup program.

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Nothing is jumping out at me. How many images do you have opened at the same time? If you are batching 20 images, that’s likely your issue. That said, I’m thinking it’s a glitch with PS 25 or your graphics card drivers need to be updated. 

When did this problem start? After you updated PS?

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Well I think I had like 2-4 open this last time. I do tend to have a few open at a time. I did Update the Graphics card driver today so I will see if that will help. Looks like it was just released today also. Thank you for your time hope it will work its self out. I got the new computer and thought it was a decent one for the new PS stuff! 


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Photoshop is becoming a real BEAST, and PS 25 is as buggy as hell. I swear, the more AI crap / bloatware they keep adding, the more they screw up. PS 25 has generated A LOT more posts than any other version that comes to mind. I have a sneaky suspicion that it's just a PS bug and you will have to live with it until it gets patched. Your hardware is "fine." Just stay on top of driver updates, and not just the Windows Updates that everyone is used to. Speaking of which, Windows 11 is also quite buggy and some updates that have come out recently have really screwed things up. Some folks have to re-install everything because Windows is so corrupted from a stupid update.

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