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G Drive


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I asked in this group when I purchased my first drive and received the most helpful replies, wondering if you can please help again. 
I have the first drive the G Drive Pro desktop drive. 
I wanted a second as a backup but now this is the closest I can find, the G Drive Project.
I am in the Uk, is this the newer version? Is this a good option to go for?



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It should be. From what I can tell, Samsung has left G-Drive "alone" for the moment. If it were me, and you have a new Mac, I'd get the Thunderbolt 3 12TB Version, but that's a little more expensive. I know you are in the UK, here is the US version:

G-Drive 12TB Thunderbolt 3

The Thunderbolt 3 interface is MUCH FASTER than any USB port; it's almost like you are working off an internal Hard Drive. Which Mac do you have?

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