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Buy the Best for Broke OR Get Less for Free?

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My Mac finally flipped me the bird, so I’m getting something new. I edit photo and video for work and for a side photog gig. 

Portability is key. Time is of the essence as I have 3 jobs to edit for my side gig. 

I was prepared to purchase the MacBook Pro with all the specifications Brian outlined and then found out if I get a MacBook Air or maaaaaybe a much less powerful Pro my job will purchase through their account. 

So my question is…do I get something less powerful to avoid paying out of pocket (a bill that I really can’t afford to take on but will if I must) and get something less desirable or just buy the good stuff myself and suffer financially? 

And if something less expensive (and for work it must be Mac), how much less of a machine can I get and be able to do my editing work for at least the next couple of years? 


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You are looking for two different things:

1. Cheap

2. Portable. 

Now those two terms aren’t usually in the same sentence when it comes to Apple. Then throw in Adobe’s nonsense of making their products BEASTS and you will have a recipe for disaster. 

Here is the thing, yes…you can go cheap and get a MacBook Air. Will it work for now, probably. Will you likely have issues as Photoshop gets updated as the months go on? Also yes. 

When I configure things, I have a 7 year life span in mind. Especially when folks are looking for their Mac Laptops to become desktop replacements. You can have your proverbial cake and eat it to…for a price. Which is more than you are willing to spend. 

So the real question is, how comfortable are you forking out the cash to go cheap, only to be right back in this situation about 18 months? Personally, I hate wasting money on this shit and blowing $2100 (plus AppleCare & Applicable Taxes) only-to-blow-another-$4500-in-18-24-months-because-you-realized-that-by-cheaping-out-was-the-absolute-worse-thing- you-could-do, you end up spending more than $6500!! 

If it were me, I’d bite the bullet and get a Mac Book Pro. Granted, ANYTHING will be better than what you have now, so I can see the appeal and why you want to save money. If you must, please configure it with 24GB of RAM and GET A 1TB HD. 


Just expect to be in the market sooner, rather than later if you go the MacBook Air route. 

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One more thing. If you can wait until Early November, do so. Apple has released new Mac Laptop models in October over the years and I’d hate for you to fork out money only to discover that Apple refreshed the model you ended up buying. 

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Thank you!! This was very helpful. We ended up settling on a model (Pro, M3 max chip, but 48GB rather than 64). If it lasts me a few years, it buys time until I can purchase my own. I appreciate your advice to help me land! 

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