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The Right Bag


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Howdy! I need to order a bag to safely transport my new 16” MacBook Pro and large Wacom Tablet and accessories for constant travel. I’d love to get it right on the first try, so seeing what recommendations there may be. 

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I like ThinkTank and Mindshift Gear Bags. They are pricey, but last forever. Bags are one of those things that you will never be completely satisfied with; and I have a bunch to prove this statement. :D  


There are lots of YouTube Videos demonstrating their bags. Pelican also makes good stuff as well. 

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This is my go-to bag. I've traveled all throughout the USA and have been to Canada with it.

Think Tank Photo Shape Shifter 17 V2.0 Backpack (Black)

There is a back compartment that I use to transport my iPad, in addition to my D850/D4s, 24-70, 70-200 & 14-24. Plus cards, chargers, batteries, etc. That sucker can hold A LOT, and of course you could hit 50lbs or more very easily if you aren't careful. This bag is also small enough to fit under a seat in an Airplane or in a overhead bin. Straps are comfy too, especially when holding a lot of gear. I haven't found a better backpack for lugging things in Airports.

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@MorganLSilk - Sorry for my initial lame response. I've been traveling recently and just got back home. But as I've said above, bags are a real personal thing and I'm still on a quest to find the "Perfect Bag."

If you aren't looking for a backpack, this is my other camera bags that is my go-to. I can transport a 70-200, D850/D4s with 24-70 attached and use the 3rd section for either my SB-5000 Flash or 14-24mm lens. There is a large compartment that holds a 10.9" iPad, which might work for your tablet.

Think Tank Photo Retrospective 30 V2.0 Shoulder Bag (Pinestone)

Oh, here is my "Wedding Kit" bag that I lug to all my Weddings: 

Think Tank Photo Airport International V3.0 Carry On (Black)

The Airport International fits in all sorts of over-head bins in airplanes and is built like a tank. The standard one is a little larger vs the International version. This was my first Think Tank Bag and I've had it for 13 or so years and it's still going strong. Yes, it was pricey for me at the time, I mean...who spends $400+ on a camera bag, but my Gawd...this sucker holds a lot and takes all sorts of abuse.

Finally, I've seen Susan Stripling mention this Think Tank Bag on several occasions over the years:

Think Tank Airport Roller Derby Rolling Camera Case

It may not be what you are looking for, but is worth mentioning.

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