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What can I do to make my macbook run faster?

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I have a Mac desktop running Sequoia 15.3.1 and Photoshop 26.4.1. It is over 4 years old, and has 16GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 102.75GB free out of 994.66GB, and it runs a Apple M1 graphics card. The last time I shut down was more than 24 hours ago. I run a cleanup program about once a week.

I read your article about what to do with files on desktop and create alias folders.  I have never heard of doing this and it is extremely helpful to know this information.  I have always kept folders on my desktop to keep my stuff organized.  Thank you for posting the article in another mac thread.

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Honestly? You are kinda screwed.

16GB of RAM in 2025 is like having 8GB a few years ago, and with the current Macs, there is no upgrading after the fact. I'd recommend 32GB and really-really-really recommend getting a Mac with at least 64GB going forward.

Hard Drive: Once you go above 75% - 80% Full, ON ANY HARD DRIVE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, your Mac's performance takes a HUGE hit. Above 90% full, things will slow to a crawl and once you get above 95% full, data corruption is highly likely. So if you have Full External Drives AND a pretty full internal HD, your Mac will run poorly. The reason is that the macOS does not treat an internal HD or external HD any differently, as they are "Mounted" Devices; meaning they are all the same, regardless of physical location. So a larger external HD might be in your future.

  • So for your case, cull-cull-cull!!! Be ruthless to your files. You do not need 75 Raw Photos of your Lunch taken in the Spring of 2013. I promise. :D
  • As you have read in my other article, the more crap you have on your Mac Desktop, the slower the damn thing runs. It treats ANY file or folder on your Mac Desktop as a open window, even if it's just sitting there not doing anything.
  • Download and Purchase a Annual Subscription to CleanMyMac from MacPaw.com. Run it weekly. I've been using this program for 15+ years and it's one of those programs you just buy and use. Just be sure to keep with the updates, you don't want a utility program like these to get outdated with any updates to the macOS. (No, I receive no income or kick-back in recommending this program, it's what I've been using since 2009 and have paid for the program all these years.)
  • Finally, start saving for a new Mac. Because ALL Macs are glorified iPads and can not be upgraded after-the-fact. Apple wants you to "Go Big or Go Home" and you are penalized for attempting to save money. ;) There aren't any slots to add RAM or replace the HD. Those were for computers 10+ years ago. Unfortunately, we live in a throw-away society, regardless on how much we claim to recycle.

Bottom Line for your Case: Attack the HDs, delete files (or move them to other HDs,) clean up your Mac Desktop, and invest in CleanMyMac. Run it weekly.

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Curious, what clean-up program are you using?

Also, I know Apple's Marketing convinced the masses that "16GB on a Apple Silicon Chip is like 32GB on a Intel CPU." Which is true...to a certain degree. It's one of those things, "If you build it they will come..."

In reality, in order for that to happen, the Programmers who write the code that create the programs that we use need write software code that is optimized and efficient, which takes time and more effort / money. What happens with industry? They want to produce things for the lowest price-point. So that code isn't always the best, which makes 16GB of RAM not as large as it was marketed to be. That's why I've been recommending from the start of Apple Silicon (M1, M2, M3, and now M4 Macs,) to get at least 32GB of RAM and 64GB if you can afford it. Because sooner or later, it won't be enough. People used to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about and how I am wrong. LOL!! 

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