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Crystal Scheuermann

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Posts posted by Crystal Scheuermann

  1. For the White Point, we kept it to D65 instead of changing it to Native and then for Luminance we set it to measure. It reported it at 51.

    I have purchased a lamp and have it set up in my office to my back left and feel the lighting is better in the room now and my print brightness is matching my screen better now, but my screen does feel slightly cooler than my print. It is subtle, but there. Plan to re-calibrate tonight and will try setting to Native.

  2. I feel the color is correct, but my print still looks darker than my screen (and my screen is already set at 50). We have changed the lightbulbs to be 5000k, which is helpful for color comparisons, but I have high ceilings so I think I need to purchase a lamp to have more light in the room. 

  3. My prints are darker than my screen, but my screen brightness is already set "too low" at 50. I also feel they are a touch cooler than my screen, but that may have more to do with my work environment, which I plan on trying to remedy soon. I have made myself accustomed to editing in the dark, which I know is a no-no now. So now I am left with either a window that typically lets in cooler light, or an overhead light that is warm.  Or, I suppose it could also have something to do with it printing too dark just making the colors not look like they are matching?

    My calibrator is a Spyder3, but we are ordering a new one today since this one is over 10 years old and likely outdated at this point, especially with my new laptop.

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