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Everything posted by ted939

  1. Then why do you say, "Personally, I use LR to manage my entire workflow" at your https://www.damiensymonds.net/color-space-settings-for-the-lightroom-user/ ? I don't get it. Thanks! Ted
  2. Then why do you say, "Personally, I use LR to manage my entire workflow" at your https://www.damiensymonds.net/color-space-settings-for-the-lightroom-user/ ? I don't get it.
  3. Hi Damien - great site! I love the way you teach/articulate concepts. You mention in several places that Bridge is superior to LR, but then at your https://www.damiensymonds.net/color-space-settings-for-the-lightroom-user/, you say, "Personally, I use LR to manage my entire workflow". I wonder if that comment is in a post newer than all of your Bridge greater than LR pages/comments, because maybe LR finally got good enough for you to adopt it for your entire workflow. Is that the explanation? I can't deduce this for myself, because your articles are not date stamped anywhere. I've been using LR for many years now, and I briefly looked into Bridge a few months ago, and found it to be lacking several important functions that I use in LR. But, if you still stand by your pro-Bridge articles/comments, then I'd like to maybe check out Bridge further. I wonder if Bridge is a D.A.M. (digital asset mgt) program that would help a newspaper that I photograph for. Or maybe there is a way for people to remotely share a LR catalog. Whenever I finish a shoot and begin postproduction on it, I tag my images with various labels, and it would be great if my writers/editors could view the catalog and the images' tags, make their own contact sheets after filtering based on whatever characteristics they want, select photos to assign me for editing, view my various editing stages on any given image, etc. So, first, my question, above, about your latest thoughts on modern LR vs modern Bridge? 2nd, any thoughts on a good D.A.M. for newspaper workflow among various staff? Thanks much! Ted
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