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Posts posted by cathm

  1. Thanks Damien!  I requested my lab to remake...

    This time, I added the noise to the background by doing this => Filter - noise, - add noise - Amount 1% Uniform.

    I will see how it turns out.....

    Thank you for your help!  

    I actually had the same issue with the same lab (Bay Photo) last time...

    Maybe I should try different lab?   any recommendation for the lab?



  2. Hi Damien!  I just received my print of this image from the photo lab.  Unfortunately, I see some vertical lines on the background where I retouched.

    I did follow your instruction and added the noise before sending my files.  

    To compare the prints vs. monitor, I adjusted the level and made it brighter to see if see any vertical lines, however, I didn't.

    It looked perfectly fine on the monitor, however, not on the prints.. Any idea how this happened and how I can fix this problem?


    Please let me know, thanks!


  3. Thanks, Damien.  I am still confused about this part ->

    For the gradient editor (the little window that pops up), do you click the color stop (lower left square icon and select the background area near baby's feet as that is the darkest area and then click lowerright square icon, color stop, and choose the color near by the hair since it's lighter?


    I have no idea how you select the colors and whether the left is always darker?

    Also, do you adjust the level layers first or after you select the gradient colors?

  4. Hi Damien, I know you are trying to help me but I still haven't figured out how to do this ....=(

    I also checked this link but i am still confused of how you selected the gradient colors...



    After you add a gradient fill layer, you mask the background.

    and then you created two layers below and mask  the area where you want to select for the gradient colors.

    Now, this is where I have no idea how it works...

    For the gradient editor (the little window that pops up), do you click the color stop (lower left square icon and select the background area near baby's feet as that is the darkest area and then click lowerright square icon, color stop, and choose the color near by the hair since it's lighter?

    After this, you adjust the levels in the two layers below to match the color to the new background?

    am I on the right track?


    Thank you for your time and for your help!  I hope you can explain to me in more details...


  5. Hi! I am trying to replace the background of this image.

    Q1) I am wondering what is the best way to do this when selecting the background only.

    Do you use Quick selection or magic wand tool?  If Magic Want Tool, what is the tolerance? Do I check Anti-alias and Continuous?

    After you select the background, do I click Refine Edge?   I have a hard time doing this kind of method for the hair.


    Q2) I read this.  http://www.damiensymonds.net/preventing-banding-in-backdrops/

    and am wondering if I use linear or radial in this case, also, what do i choose for angel and scale?


    Q2) Also, how would you retouch the diaper?


    Thank you for your help in advance!



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