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Everything posted by swilliams

  1. Well that sucks! So your thinking I need to add more RAM for more a efficient computer? Since I'm such a huge computer geek… NOT, is there anything else you might recommend I can do to get me by in the meantime?
  2. I have a Mac desktop running OS X and Photoshop cs5. It is over 2 years old, and has 4GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 497GB free out of 999GB. The last time I shut down was more than 2 days ago. I have never run a cleanup program.
  3. I set my watermark action set per your instructions. I ran a batch set last night on a group of images and some of them went through the entire process with no glitches but some would stop at the "save as" screen and I would have to click ok to get it to continue. This morning, I ran it again on a different set and it stopped at every single image at this point. Any ideas what I need to do different?
  4. Okay, another question on this topic...I just noticed that the CR2 file is 21.2 MB and the DNG file is 16.8 MB. Why does it downsize when converting to DNG?
  5. I am having to convert my RAW files to dng for bridge to read them when using my Canon 6d. My question is whether there is a need for me to keep the CR2 files stored in my computer after converting to dng or can I just delete those since I have the dng files? Sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread, wasn't really sure where to ask.
  6. OMG, I finally figured it out. I was totally over thinking it and trying to add in extra steps or something. I'm not that familiar with the Smart Object step in PS. Now, with this, I understand its purpose a lot more.
  7. Okay, going back over it...its the step where it says to add a Smart Object conversion, and the drop shadow. Not sure what to do here. I'll look more up on Smart Object conversions.
  8. I did and even tried following it but I must have missed something in there somewhere. I'll go back and go through it again.
  9. I know I'm probably making this a lot harder than it has to be...obviously. Do I just need to go about adding a white layer with enough space to act as my border, make the shadow on the layer with the photo, then flatten and go on about the action from there? I didn't know if I could add the shadow as part of the action or if that needed to be done before hand.
  10. I guess maybe thats part of my question. I know how to add a drop shadow in Photoshop with using different layers, but since we are adding a border to an image by way of canvas size, I wasn't really sure where or how to add the drop shadow effect.
  11. This is in regard to Jodie's "Watermark action drop shadow" question from Feb. 17th. I love the looks of her drop shadow effect but am having trouble figuring out how to get that look. I'm completely stumped and its driving me crazy. Is it still going to be done using the canvas size step to extend the border or do I need to add this in somewhere else to get the shadow? Sorry if I'm talking in circles. :{
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