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Everything posted by samf09

  1. I have absolutely no complaints about my current one as fas a speed, etc... if my screen wasn't broken I would happily keep on using it. So with that in mind, do you still think the additional upgrades are necessary (yes I'm being cheap ?). Or is it the type of thing with the faster processor you need to upgrade the other things too?
  2. The MacBook I currently have is the 15" 2017. My screen went out and I am looking at if it is better to replace or get a new one. The next two are $2250 and $2600 respectively. I do not know enough to know if these are good upgrades or not, and I would like to not go much above that price point. It is $900 to replace the screen. I use the computer for photo editing in photoshop mostly.
  3. well I don't have a print of this particular image, but my other images still look the same. thanks for your help
  4. I am super confused though because they all match now.... however none of them look like my original screenshot from photoshop.
  5. Ahhh I went through and changed the color management stuff in Firefox from that last link and now it looks right on Facebook.
  6. I dont know if this means anything, but when I am looking at the file in photoshop and go to assign profile, it turns it to the yellow color when the preview button is turned on, but if I turn preview off it goes back to the normal color.
  7. Just one. I am however on a laptop now instead of a desktop like my profile says. (dont know if that makes a difference)
  8. No no, sorry that makes no sense. Here when I edited it I got this: but got this of Facebook and bridge, which is way more yellow I closed out the file and opened it back up in photoshop and got this again:
  9. I just checked and it looks the same in bridge too (yellow). I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
  10. As far as I can tell, I am in sRGB for everything and there are no Facebook filters, but on Facebook my images are very yellow. I just got a new computer so I am sure I have a setting fudged up somewhere, I just can't figure out where.
  11. ok thank you again! off to research.
  12. Thank you!! I recreated your steps and it looks great... however I am not entirely sure how the values were determined. Do you have a tutorial on channel mixer? I had never used it before.
  13. Yes!!! Much better. I just didn't want the diaper to be where your eye first goes.
  14. I guess either blue or more skin tone.
  15. I need help figuring out how to make the babies' diapers less noticeable under the blue lace.
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