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Everything posted by tropicmom

  1. Once thru a while ago, life is calming down and I'm getting back to these things now. Thanks, I'll probably B&W and color it. The baby is my older sister :-)
  2. I've tried every method I know on this color cast. I can only get it reduced, not even close to eliminated. I have no idea if it was a problem to begin with since this is a scan of the original slide and this baby is now 63 years old. Any advice?
  3. I must admit, they lost me with restoring luminosity and blend mode math.... I just posted that chunk to see if anyone could tell me if there even *was* a way to handle it, I have the original scan. Shall I start a new thread and post it?
  4. Sorry, I just saw this. Of course I knew that but I was under the impression you didn't give advice on restoration?
  5. http://kansaspitts.com/the-williams-family-a-family-sunrise-beach-session-in-south-walton-by-kansas-studios/
  6. Sorry, my bad; I'll find another. Also, I've done your RAW, Levels and Layers & Masks and am in the Channel Mixer class. Maybe it's time for a re-up??
  7. OK then... I grabbed the second one from an older computer, what is lacking there? And is the first photo unacceptable since we used it for the other thread? I have others from the same set.
  8. Will this suffice? There are blown areas in the sky but color detail as well. RAW edits and Levels work done...
  9. Other than OCF (which is a pain at the beach, especially with no assistant) I'd like to enhance an existing sky at sunset or sunrise. I've played with Hue/Sat, Channel Mixer and Color Balance layers, but perhaps I'm not using a light enough touch, I keep getting either nuclear colors or effects so faint it's hardly worth doing. I'm pretty sure this style is achieved from an existing sky, rather than a replaced one (or adjustments done to a sky image used for replacement). These colors are a touch stronger than I'm trying to get but the idea is the same: http://kansaspitts.com/hughes-family-sunset-beach-pictures-on-30-a-in-south-walton/ Is this same one of mine viable for comparison?
  10. I have another, but I'll start another thread....
  11. Done. Cleared the beach as well. Caught my lens hood in the corners but expect to crop that out anyway.
  12. Got a little busy ;-) but would this one work any better, please?
  13. I see detail under the glare... Flipping the other eye was disastrous as I then struggled with the catchlight. Is there any magic help for this one, pretty please?
  14. Thank you! I will put your advice to good use :-)
  15. With a portrait of an older woman who has very fine lines around the eyes, I duplicated the background layer, applied a D&S filter fairly strong, inverted a mask and painted it back only in the problem areas, then pulled the opacity of the layer down until it toned the wrinkles down just slightly. My question: Is there a disadvantage to using this method I should be aware of?
  16. I'm wondering how the colors in the water were done as well. As I mentioned, the area is not far from me and I know the water isn't that color naturally.
  17. I realized that too, that much of my sky and some water were blown. I ultimately dropped a sky into this one, but on the right side there is detail and color in the sky.
  18. I have played with trying to achieve this look and I'm at a loss. I may have discovered part of the reason in searching for my own photo... it seems not many of this photog's are backlit as strongly, but I can also promise you that the water and sky colors are not that intense SOOC as her location is fairly close to mine. I don't think she typically drops skies in, it seems to be an enhancement of existing skies? I've tried playing with my saturation but I get very weird unnatural results.. I've linked to a FB post as her site seems to be down atm and the photo closest to mine would be the one at the middle right of this collage: Here's mine, SOOR, any help would be much appreciated :-)
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